Pursuant to Article 13 of the GDPR 679-2016 defined as “General Data Protection Regulation” we inform you that the processing of personal data will be provided by Baltur S.p.A. Cento (FE) 44042, Via Ferrarese 10 VAT 00040200388 C.F., Reg. Imp. FE n. 00040200388 C.C.I.A.A. of FE – R.E.A. n. 30835 Tel. +39 051-6843711 Fax: +39 051-6857527 / 8 E-mail info@baltur.it with the use of procedures also computerized, in the ways and within the limits necessary to pursue the following purposes:
- A) Registration to the INSTITUTIONAL COMMERCIAL NEWSLETTER whose duration of treatment is bound to the possibility of unsubscribe;
- B) Reply to the INFORMATION REQUEST of the interested party that will take place within 30 days from the request;
- C) Management of the practice following the completion of the FORM in the COMPLAINTS AREA of the interested party whose duration of treatment will not exceed 180 days;
- D) Registration to the RESERVED AREA for the activation of a personal account whose data processing will continue in the presence of activities and which will be canceled after 24 months of inactivity.The data provided will be processed in compliance with the aforementioned law, responding to the obligations of confidentiality and lawfulness pursuant to Art.6 EU Regulation 679/2016 which our company is inspired by; moreover the data will not be disseminated. Your data, for strictly professional reasons, can be communicated to:
- Our internal collaborators regularly appointed and authorized.
- Our external collaborators, however, identified by us, designated and responsible for this activity.
Consent is not required, when the treatment:
(a) it is necessary to fulfill an obligation under the law, a regulation or Community legislation;
b) it is necessary to fulfill obligations deriving from a contract of which the interested party is part or to fulfill, before the conclusion of the contract, specific requests of the interested party;
c) it concerns data coming from public registers, lists, deeds or documents that can be known by anyone, without prejudice to the limits and modalities that the laws, regulations or community regulations establish for the data disclosure and publicity.
Those concerned are entitled to the rights set forth in articles 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 of the General Data Privacy Regulation 679-2016, which are fully disclosed in the Privacy policy published on the site, addressing requests to Baltur S.p.A. Cento (FE) 44042, Via Ferrarese 10 VAT 00040200388 C.F., Reg. Imp. FE n. 00040200388 C.C.I.A.A. of FE – R.E.A. n. 30835 Tel. +39 051-6843711 Fax: +39 051-6857527 / 8 E-mail info@baltur.it